
IMA Dresden and the Technologies of the future

25 years IMA Dresden – and it works

IMA Dresden is now 25 years young. Back then, in May 1993, leading engineers took their future into their own hands and formed IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, IMA Dresden for short, via a management buyout. However, the young IMA can draw on significantly greater life experience than that. The roots of IMA Dresden reach right back to 1955, when aircraft construction began in Dresden.

The future is full of challenges, and developments are moving Forward rapidly. “It is not a question of predicting the future, but of being prepared for it.” What was once said by the Greek philosopher Pericles is more valid than ever before in our global, highly mechanised world. Even though many products and technologies of the future pass through the testing halls and laboratories of IMA Dresden, we cannot predict the future either.

However, we meet the tasks of our customers every day and the changes of our environment. We do not hold onto what there is and what we have achieved in this. Together with our innovative customers IMA Dresden is in the best company. Across every sector we meet the innovators and trendsetters every day, who are developing the future with creative drive and vision. We look forward to seeing which inventions and innovations by our customers we will accompany with our ideas and methods over the next 25 years. Whatever is invented in the future – with IMA Dresden as a partner it will work!

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