
IMA News


Minor damage at aircraft structures are no taboo in aviation. In fact, they are part of the comprehensive safety concept under the term damage tolerance. We investigate when, whereby and how fuselages, wing units, tail units or landing gears deform and damage occurs. With our structural and material tests, we have been supporting the development departments of international aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus for many years. We also regularly carry out damage analyses for our customers in the fields of medical products, rail vehicles and construction products. Despite the most modern manufacturing processes, material failures and thus damage caused by and to products cannot be completely avoided. Our experienced materials engineers determine [...]

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Surely you know the saying "treat something like a raw egg". At Easter, we take it literally. In particular when you blow out eggs for the kids to paint them in the brightest colors. A bit too much pressure and the oval canvas is broken. At such moments, you want to know what maximum forces an egg can withstand before the shell breaks. It is true that we at IMA Dresden do not deal with chicken eggs. But we are experts in the strength of materials. And even your most "sensitive" materials are in good hands with us. As an international testing and development center, we support you from the basic material via the manufacturing technology through to the approval of the finished product. This includes static, cyclic and dynamic tests as well as [...]

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With our expertise, we actively develop and help define tomorrow's ASTM standards for standardized testing and analysis procedures. In doing so, we work with ASTM members from manufacturers, users, governments, and academia from more than 100 countries to further strengthen our expertise. Over 12,000 ASTM standards are currently in force worldwide. They are the American equivalent of the German DIN. The added value: to have standardization and confidence in the things we buy and use every day. We are proud to be able to write the status of ASTM member on our IMA flag. [...]

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For us, customer feedback is worth its weight in gold - pardon, money! And that goes to a charitable cause. For every customer feedback we receive, IMA Dresden donates 10 euros to the association "Aufwind Kinder- und Jugendfonds Dresden e. V.". This organization helps to improve the everyday life and learning conditions of disadvantaged children and young people growing up in poor circumstances. For us, this is a project close to our hearts, which we are happy to continue supporting thanks to the feedback from our customers. [...]

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As external laboratory, IMA Dresden successfully completes BMW qualification and receives the approval for testing composite materials. Thereby our laboratories not only fulfil the international requirements of
DIN EN ISO 17025, but further on the specific standards of BMW for the analysis
of composite materials and determination of reliable materials properties. The approval covers a wide range of standard mechanical and physical test methods
like DIN EN ISO 62, DIN EN 2561, DIN EN ISO 14125 or DIN EN ISO 14126. [...]

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From now on you can calculate - with our software WIAM® fatigue RIFEST - strength assessments for machine components according to the extensive updated 7th edition of the FKM guideline. Shortly before the end of the year 2020, we were able to publish the news about the complete revision of the FKM guideline. The revision was carried out under our leadership and with the cooperation of the coauthors from TU Clausthal, TU Darmstadt, HTW Dresden and Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg. But also by the technical support and discussion within the FKM expert group "component strength". Find out more about our software optimization: https://www.ima-dresden.de/en/service-portfolio/focus-cross-industry/%20software_and_software_solutions/#toc-wiam-fatigue-rifes [...]

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Although no rocket launches are taking place in our test hall at Dresden Airport, Ariane 6 assemblies have landed in our space test facilities. The test specimen shown in the picture is a highly complex component (VITF - Vinci Intermediate Thrust Frame) to which the engine for the second rocket stage of Ariane 6 is coupled. The component itself absorbs the engine thrust and passes it on to the second rocket stage. In a specially initiated qualification test, we demonstrate and verify not only the functionality but also the strength and stiffness properties of this primary structure. Ariane 6 is a family of launch vehicles. It will be able to deliver payloads of any type into an optimized orbit - regardless of the type of mission. This could [...]

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Shortly before the end of 2020, the 7th edition of the FKM guideline "Computational Strength Verification" was published. The development was again carried out unter the leadership of IMA Dresden GmbH, with the valuable collaboration of the co-authors from TU Clausthal, TU Darmstadt, HTW Dresden and the Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg as well as with technical support and discussion in the FKM component strength group. The new FKM guideline can be obtained from VDMA-Verlag Frankfurt / Main (www.vdmashop.de). The 7th edition will be available from mid-January. Attached you will find the link to our training courses: https://www.ima-dresden.de/en/service-portfolio/focus-cross-industry/training/ [...]

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On December 8th, the QTML (Airbus Qualified Test Method List) of our customer Airbus was updated and we received the MERIT status from Airbus for all test methods. IMA Dresden is thus the first laboratory to receive Merit for both structural and component tests (Major Test, Component & Large Sub-Component Test and further Test Types) as well as material tests in the areas of metals, plastics and composites. The Airbus supply chain specialists thus certify the particularly high quality and performance of our qualified test procedures. Of the approximately 100 qualified testing laboratories on the QTML, only 17 laboratories have received this award so far. IMA Dresden is qualified for a total of 88 test procedures, 6 of them for structure [...]

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It always jerks a little bit, when life shifts into the next gear. A year ago, no one could have imagined the challenges 2020 would bring us. We have faced the situation together with you and are looking forward to the future with confidence. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the professional cooperation during this special time and for your trust. We are happy to support you in your research and development projects in the coming year as well. Now we wish you and your family a wonderful Advent season, a contemplative Christmas and a happy, healthy and successful 2021. Greetings from
The team and the management of IMA Dresden [...]

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